More on the herd-following hypothesis
article 1990 Gordon, Bryan C.

ChipewyansNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
This is a reply to a reply to a reply to a paper on herd-following behavior of Barrenland Inuit. Only a few paragraphs pertain to the Chipewyan. According to archeological evidence, the Chipewyan did live and hunt caribou on the tundra during the sum...

Chipewyan prehistory
essay 1977 Gordon, Bryan C.

ChipewyansNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
Gordon sumarizes Taltheilei archaeologiy as it pertains to Chipewyan prehistory. He begins with a synopsis of the ethnographic Chipewyan and then describes the material culture of the Earliest, Early, Middle, Late, and Historic Periods. Gordon estima...

Temporal, archaeological and pedological separation of the Barrenland Arctic Small Tool and Taltheilei Traditions
essay 1977 Gordon, Bryan C.

ChipewyansNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
Gordon discusses the artifact and chronological differences between Arctic Small Tool tradition sites and Earliest and Early Taltheilei tradition sites on the barrenlands of Canada. He proposes the Taltheilei tradition started in British Columbia and...